Hi. I’m Charlie Avera, the author of Miles on The Mountain.
I know skiing is not for everyone. And this book is primarily about my adventures learning to ski.
But whatever adventure you want to embark upon, and if you are still physically able, don’t let your age keep you from enjoying what you want to do. As I mention in the book, I had never been on a pair of skis until I was almost 61 years old. But, then, I think I’m pretty active, and often do not always act my age. I’ve also taken up other activities later in life. Hiking and Kayaking to mention just two. I also recently bought a small outboard motor boat as a restoration project for this summer. I’ve never owned a boat before.
Point is, if you always wanted to do something, but now you think you are too old, think again. You just might surprise yourself! And, maybe, if you ever come to Colorado, I’ll see you on the slopes.